A fault is a condition which renders the node or channel untrustworthy, hence (in this paper) unusable. A network instantaneously subjected to faulty nodes and channels tolerates them if the remaining healthy nodes and channels form a quorum. Also in this paper: we assume that faulty nodes have been diagnosed, and that hardware and software can deny their connection to healthy nodes. The fault tolerance is the maximum number of faults that an n-node network can tolerate. Under a graph model, the tolerance f to faulty nodes is at most the tolerance to faults in channels, or any combination of faults in nodes and channels, for n > f+1 > 1. Throughput this paper we therefore employ a conservative model of faults in nodes. The worst-case (nodal) network fault tolerance f equals one less than the (vertex) connectivity f+1 of the corresponding graph. The fractional fault tolerance f / n equals the fault tolerance divided by the number of nodes. The fractional connectivity ( f + 1) / n is only slightly less than the fractional fault tolerance, and is more convenient for comparing the cost of worst-case fault tolerance with the probabilistic cost of tolerating a constant fraction of faults that are distributed, say, with Bernoulli probability pdi)graph: directed, weighted Vertex, edge, arc, hyperedge: pp. 4, 5, 13. Planar: pp. 10, 14. Cf. adjacency. Strict graph: each edge's endpoints are distinct (no loops) and appear in but one edge. Cf. multi-graph p. 9 Hamiltonian; p. 8 Path or cycle spanning all vertices Hamming distance, graph Definitions: p. 13. Also see Gray code, p. 13 (hyper)cube; mesh Definitions: pp. 13, 20. Qualifiers: dimension, (majorized ) radix. Cf. hyperedge, j-edge. (hyper)edge, separator Definitions: pp. 13, 14. Also see: hyperedge matching, hyperfactorization, p. 14 interior-disjoint, IDJ; p. 5 Two paths are interior-disjoint ( IDJ ) if, apart from their endpoints, they do not intersect metric space, distance; distance space; Table 1 Real-valued distance |⋅, ⋅| ≥ 0 mapping all pairs from a given set, such that: a) |x, y| = 0 if and only if x = y; b) symmetry: |x, y| = |x, y|; c) triangle inequality: |x, y| ≤ |x, y| + |x, y| order, size; p. 10 Vertex resp. edge cardinality path, endpoint, (path)length; pp. 4, 17Endpoint vertex x, or union P(x … z) of path P(x … y) with edge ( y, z ), such that y and z ∉ P(x … y) are endpoints of P(x … y) resp. P(x … z). The (path)length of P is its size quorum; p. 4 A configuration of processing nodes capable of accomplishing the mission. A quorum is achieved if sufficient healthy nodes (i.e., nodes that have not failed) remain capable of communicating among themselves. In graph-theoretic terms, a quorum is equivalent to a connected subgraph (or component) induced by deleting, from the graph corresponding to the original network, vertices and edges corresponding to faulty nodes and channels. The basic idea of a quorum as a connected induced subgraph may be varied by imposing constraints (e.g., we could insist the quorum be a tree [30] or an array [36]), or by relaxing...