“…The positioning of this study steers clear of the available inclusive growth literature which has focused on: poverty correlates (Anyanwu, 2013a(Anyanwu, , 2014a, nexuses between finance, growth, employment and poverty (Odhiambo, 2009(Odhiambo, , 2011, the role of financial development in poverty reduction (Odhiambo, , 2010b(Odhiambo, , 2013, gender inequality (Elu & Loubert, 2013;Anyanwu, 2013bAnyanwu, , 2014bBaliamoune-Lutz & McGillivray, 2009;Baliamoune-Lutz, 2007;Elu & Price, 2017); financial inclusion (Bocher et al, 2017;Charles & Mori, 2016;Chapoto & Aboagye, 2017;Chikalipah, 2017;Daniel, 2017;Bongomin et al, 2016;Wale & Makina, 2017); reinventing foreign aid for inclusive and sustainable development (Asongu, 2016), debates between relative pro-poor (Dollar & Kraay, 2003) versus absolute pro-poor (Ravallion & Chen, 2003) growth, recent advances in finance for inclusive development (Asongu & De Moor, 2015) and measurements of inclusive development (Anand et al, 2013;Mlachila et al, 2016). The last-two strands are closest to the present study because we are assessing the role of 'mobile banking' on development, using (among others) an unexplored inclusive development measurement.…”