In this paper, we deal with the f (R, Q) gravity whose action depends, besides of the scalar curvature R, on the higher-derivative invariant Q = R µν R µν . In order to compare this theory with the usual General Relativity (GR), we verify the consistency of Gödel-type solutions within the f (R, Q) gravity and discuss the related causality issues. Explicitly, we show that in the f (R, Q) gravity there are new Gödel-type completely causal solutions having no analogue in the general relativity. In particular, a remarkable Gödel-type solution corresponding to the conformally flat space and maximally symmetric for physically wellmotivated matter sources, with no necessity of cosmological constant, has been considered.We demonstrate that, in contrast to GR framework, f (R, Q) gravity supports new vacuum solutions with the requirement for the cosmological constant to be non-zero. Finally, causal solutions are obtained for a particular choice f (R, Q) = R + αR 2 + βQ.
I. INTRODUCTIONThe GR is known to be the successful theory of gravity, its predictions are in accordance with tests realized in solar system, the so-called classical tests, for example, the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, as well as with the recent detection of gravitational waves [1][2][3]. Nonetheless, it turns out that the Einstein gravity fails in some aspects, which leads to interest to search for its possible consistent generalizations. Basically, there are two main problems having no solution within the framework of the GR: the first one takes place on a phenomenological perspective that arises as one of the most enigmatic problems in physics, the accelerated expansion of the Universe.It is confirmed by observational data from Type Ia supernovae [4][5][6], from cosmic microwave background (CMB) measurements [7][8][9] and studies of large structures [10,11]. The second reason, purely theoretical, is related to issues on quantization of gravity, since, as it is well known, the * Electronic address: