CHAPTER 1. ESmiODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 2 Significance of the Study 4 Purpose 7 Definitions 7 Format 8 CHAPTER 2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE 9 Curriculum Integration 9 The meaning of curriculum integration 9 The piwpose of curriculum integration 11 Types of curriculum integration 13 The attributes of curriculum integration 17 Curriculum integration in femily and consumer sciences (FCS) 19 Curriculum Development in Family and Consumer Sciences 29 The nature of FCS 29 Modes of rationality in FCS curriculum 33 Integration approaches in FCS The conceptualization of concept The conceptualization of literature Using Literature in Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences The purposes of ui^g literature across curriculum Thematic focus Literature selection Learning activities and experiences Evaluation techniques 56 Resources available 57 CHAPTERS. PROCEDURE 60 Development of the Conceptual Framework 60 Backgroimd of the development 61 Goal of the conceptual fi'amework 62 Rationale for the conceptual fi-amework 63 iii A portrayal of the conceptual framework 66 Development of the Instrument 72 San^le Selection 77 Data Collection 78 Data Analysis 79 CHAPTER 4. RESULTS AND FINDINGS 80 Description of the Sample 80 Professional chMacteristics School characteristics Factor Analysis Teachers'Perspectives Perspectives regarding the example Perspectives regarding the content of home economics Perspectives regarding the criteria for selecting literature Perspectives regarding the purposes 101 Perspectives regarding the possible barriers 103 Beliefe in teaching home economics via literature 103 Information Regarding Literature 105 Summary of the Findings 108 CHAPHER 5. DISCUSSION, CONCLUSIONS, LIMITATIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS 112 Discussion 112 The instrument 112 Teachers'perspectives 113 The conceptud framework 119 Conclusions 122 Limitations 125 viii ABSTRACT This study was undertaken to obtain information about teachers' perspectives toward teaching home economics through literature. The four objectives of tliis study were to (a) develop a conceptual framework for using literature to teach home economics; (b) develop an instrument based on the conceptual frameworic; (c) identify Taiwanese junior high school home economics teachers' perspectives toward teaching home economics through literature; and (d) describe information about literature provided by teachers. The conceptual framework proposed in this study was developed to assist students to interact rationally and morally with their environment via the integration of concepts presented in home economics and literature, efferent and aesthetic reading approaches, empirical and hermeneutic sciences, technical and interpretive rationalities, as well as vicarious experiences described m the literature and learners' actual experiences in daily living. The four elements of the conceptual framework surrounding the teacher and the students were identified in terms of the content of home economics, literature, interactive dialogue, and evaluation. The instrument used in the study was ...