“…This paper contributes to several current literature frontiers, such as intraday momentum, reversal and interaction in social finance. However, the main contribution is to reply to the underlying coherent behavior in a new unified paradigm [6] in which traders' momentum (Xu, 2016; Gao et al ., 2018; Yang, 2022), reversal (Wang et al ., 2011; Barardehi et al ., 2022) and interactive behaviors (Shi et al ., 2021; Liang et al ., 2022) play roles in intraday dynamic market equilibrium without imposing the invariance criterion of rational choice (Kahneman and Tversky, 1984; Sunstein et al ., 2001). It uncovers subjects' intelligent, interactively coherent behaviors in social finance (Hirshleifer, 2020), which contrast rationally consistent preferences in standard economic textbooks today (Mas-Colell et al.…”