The Molecular Basis of Plant Genetic Diversity 74 system protects plants from pollination with pollen carrying the same S-haplotype (McClure & Franklin, 2006). Two main systems of homomorphic SI comprise: gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) and sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI). In GSI, the incompatibility phenotype is determined by the pollen haploid genome. The S-locus determines S-specificity of pollen recognition and rejection, so the pollen is rejected by the GSI system when the S-haplotype is the same as one of two S-alleles of the diploid pistil. This indicates that the S-locus products readily expressed in the pistil and pollen interact with each other and determine the compatibility or incompatibility of the emerging pollen tube. In sporophytic SI, the pollen S-phenotype is determined by the diploid genome of the parental plant. Therefore, in GSI systems half-compatibility is shown between individuals that share one S-allele, while in SSI systems crosses are always fully compatible or fully incompatible (Allen & Hiscock, 2008). The SSI system has been reported in six families: Asteraceae, Berulaceae, Brassicaceae, Caryopgyllaceae, Convolvulaceae and Polemoniaceae. The molecular mechanism of the SSI has only been well characterized in Brassicaceae (see below) (Hiscock & McInnis, 2003). Studies of GSI species at the molecular level have identified two completely different SI mechanisms. One GSI mechanism, which is found in the Solanaceae, Rosaceae and Scrophulariaceae, has S-RNase as the pistil S-component and an F-box protein as the pollen S-component (see below). The second mechanism has been identified only in Papaver (poppy), where the interaction between male and female determinants transmits a cellular signal into the pollen tube, resulting in an influx of calcium cations. This influx interferes with the intracellular concentration gradient of calcium ions which exists inside the pollen tube, essential for its elongation (McClure & Franklin-Tong, 2006; Zhang & Xue, 2008).