Pada awal bulan Februari 2022, Kementerian Kesehatan menyatakan Indonesia memasuki gelombang ketiga virus COVID-19. Ini ditandai dengan terjadinya kenaikan kasus COVID-19 harian. Adanya kasus yang tinggi membuat pemerintah berupaya mengatasinya dengan menghimbau masyarakat mematuhi prokes lewat penerapan 6M. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku masyarakat Sangihe dalam penerapan protokol kesehatan 6M dimasa pendemi COVID-19, dengan menggunakan metode penelitian non eksperimental, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik survey. Objek penelitian adalah masyarakat Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe dengan waktu selama bulan Mei-September 2022. Pengambilan sampel diambil secara consecutive sampling menggunakan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian didapati mayoritas responden berusia 12-22 tahun, belum menikah, sebagian bekerja sebagai ibu rumah tangga dan mahasiswa, dan berada pada kategori cukup saat menjalankan protokol kesehatan 6M di masa Pandemi COVID-19. Kesimpulan gambaran perilaku masyarakat Sangihe dalam menerapan protocol kesehatan 6M di masa pendemi COVID-19 berada pada kategori cukup.
In early February 2022, the Ministry of Health said that Indonesia was entering the third wave of the COVID-19 virus. An increase in daily COVID-19 cases marks this. The existence of high cases makes the government try to overcome it by urging the community to comply with health protocol through the implementation of 6M. This study aims to describe the behavior of the Sangihe community in implementing the 6M health protocol during the COVID-19 pandemic, using a non-experimental research method and data collection by survey techniques. The object of research is the people of the Sangihe Island Regency from May to September 2022. Sampling used consecutive sampling with a questionnaire. The results found that most respondents were 12-22 years old and unmarried, some worked as housewive and students, and were in a good category to carrying out the 6M health protocol during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conclusion of the description of the behavior of the Sangihe community in implementing the 6M health protocol during the COVID-19 pandemic is in a good category.