In the past 36 months, Andrew Peterson received support for travel and research from the Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program, R21-AG-069805, and George Mason University; all payments were made to AP's institution. Justin Clapp: In the past 36 months, Justin Clapp received support from R21-AG-069805, R01-AG-063954, U54-AG-063546; all payments were made to JC's institution. Kristin Harkins: In the past 36 months, Kristin Harkins has no funding or conflicts of interest to report. Melanie Kleid: In the past 36 months, Melanie Kleid has no funding or conflicts of interest to report. Emily A. Largent: In the past 36 months, Emily A. Largent received support from the Greenwall Faculty Scholars Program and K01-AG-O64123; all payments were made to EAL's institution. Emily A. Largent is also on the National Heart, Lung, and BIood Data and Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) for the Sickle Cell Disease and Cardiovascular Risk-Red Cell Exchange Trial; payments for this service are made to Emily A. Largent. Emily A. Largent is also on the DSMB for the Uterine Transplant for Uterine Factor Infertility Trial at the University of Pennsylvania; no payment is received for this service. Shana D. Stites: In the past 36 months, Shana D. Stites received support from AARF-17-528934 and K23-AG-065442; all payments were made to SDS's institution. Kristin Harkins: Kristin Harkins has no financial interests to disclose. Jason Karlawish: In the past 36 months,