Using numerical simulations, we compare properties of knotted DNA molecules that are either torsionally relaxed or supercoiled. We observe that DNA supercoiling tightens knotted portions of DNA molecules and accentuates the difference in curvature between knotted and unknotted regions. The increased curvature of knotted regions is expected to make them preferential substrates of type IIA topoisomerases because various earlier experiments have concluded that type IIA DNA topoisomerases preferentially interact with highly curved DNA regions. The supercoiling-induced tightening of DNA knots observed here shows that torsional tension in DNA may serve to expose DNA knots to the unknotting action of type IIA topoisomerases, and thus explains how these topoisomerases could maintain a low knotting equilibrium in vivo, even for long DNA molecules.Brownian dynamics | DNA topology | DNA structure | DNA configurations D uring normal cell growth, various DNA transactions are facilitated by topoisomerase-mediated passage of one DNA segment through another. These strand passages can inadvertently lead to the formation of DNA knots (1-3), which are highly deleterious for living cells if not removed efficiently (4, 5). Type IIA DNA topoisomerases can use the free energy of ATP hydrolysis (6) to decrease the knotting level significantly below the equilibrium value for DNA rings subject to random passages between colliding segments (7). This topoisomerase (topo) IIA ability has been often assumed to be a physiologically relevant mechanism ensuring efficient DNA unknotting and decatenation (7-10), but doubts on this relevance have been raised as well (11). Particularly problematic is the fact that the original study establishing that type IIA DNA topoisomerases actively unknot DNA also revealed that this ability decreases sharply with increasing DNA length. Although based on only two plasmid sizes, that study showed the generality of this length dependence for several topoisomerases (7) and, therefore, active unknotting would be doomed to be ineffective for long DNA molecules, where random passages lead to very frequent knotting (12). While trying to understand why earlier experimental studies predicted ineffectiveness of type IIA DNA topoisomerases in unknotting of long DNA molecules, we recognized that these studies were performed using torsionally relaxed DNA (7), whereas naturally occurring DNA is frequently under torsional tension (13), the best-known examples of this state being negatively supercoiled bacterial plasmids. To investigate the potential effects of torsional constraints on the activity of type IIA topoisomerases, we have performed Brownian dynamics simulations to examine how negative supercoiling affects the structure of knotted DNA molecules and whether DNA supercoiling can cause knotted regions to be recognized specifically and then unknotted by topoisomerases. We observed that DNA supercoiling results in the tightening of knots, which leads directly to an increase in curvature of the knotted regions, in turn re...