By CHI 2022, ffteen years will have passed since the emergence of Sustainable HCI (SHCI), which now constitutes an important subfeld of HCI. In this paper, we draw on two SHCI corpora to ask: Has SHCI progressed? How has the feld responded to prominent critiques? Have we identifed and adopted constructive strategies for impacting environmental unsustainability? We further show the wide array of competencies SHCI researchers have been called to develop, and how this has been refected in subsequent work. Our analysis identifes signifcant shifts in the SHCI landscape, toward research that is diverse and holistic, but also away from eforts to address the urgent climate crisis. We posit that SHCI has tended to take on far more than it could reasonably expect to deliver, and propose 'Green Policy informatics' as a pathway that enables SHCI to leverage a more traditional HCI skillset in addressing climate change.
CCS CONCEPTS• Social and professional topics → Sustainability; • Humancentered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI).