This paper investigates the impact of macroannouncements, government bond auctions and rating actions on the 10-year government bond spreads for Belgium, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain with respect to Germany. Using a unique tick-by-tick dataset over 1/02/2009-05/31/2012, we identify the impact of the three drivers via jump and cojump detection procedures. Disentangling the pre-from the post-announcement effects, real economy and forward looking news releases from US and Euro area, country specific Spanish and German macroannouncements, and auctions hold in distressed countries such Italy and Spain have a statistically and economically significant effect.No role is played by rating actions.Keywords: Jumps, Cojumps,Government Bond Spreads, Macroannouncements, Government Bond Auctions, Rating Actions.J.E.L. Classification Numbers: C58, C12, H63, G24.Europe is under stress and integration among European countries seems more fragile than ever.Starting from the subprime crisis in 2007, markets are more aware of the differences between European countries, and this sentiment is reflected, amongst others, in increasing differentials of government bond yields. In 2008 and 2009, government bond spreads became sizable but it was in 5 2010 and 2011 that spreads substantially increase, reaching levels even higher than those experienced in the pre-Euro era. It was just after the famous Mario Draghi's "whatever it takes" in July 2012 that a more normal situation on government bond markets was restored. The European sovereign debt $ We wish to thank participants in the 12th Oxmetrics User Conference (Cass, 3-4 September 2012), in particular Siem Koopman, Sebastien Laurent, and Bill Lyons for useful suggestions. We thank Michael J. Flemming and Jan Novotny for having provided very useful comments on a previous version of the paper. The usual disclaimer applies. Special thanks to Morningstar, in particular to Richard Barden, for having made available the rich data set used in this paper. Simona Boffelli acknowledges financial support from the Centre for Econometric Analysis of Cass Business School.* Centre for Econometric Analysis, Faculty of Finance, Cass Business School, City University London, 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ, UK and Bergamo University, Italy., Tel: +44 (0)20 7040 8698, Fax: +44 (0)20 7040 8881.
Preprint submitted to Journal of International Money and FinanceDecember 22, 2014 crisis involving, although at different extents, all the peripheral countries have questioned the much celebrated markets' self-regulatory power as well as the ability of policy makers and regulators to 10 adopt stability measures and stimulate economic growth. Thus, understanding which factors drive sovereign risk is particularly timely also for the macroeconomic consequences of the comovements associated to these factors. For instance, higher spreads deteriorate borrowing capabilities and market confidence which simultaneously impact on consumption and investment. The way to ameliorate the effects of th...