Functional somatic symptoms signal distress and reflect an activation of the body's stress-regulation systems. Many different types of stressors -physical, emotional or both -may activate the body's stress-regulation systems. If stress-related disruptions are extreme or are not limited in time, functional somatic symptoms may emerge, signalling that the body remains in a state of activation and somatic distress. In this paper, we describe the development of therapeutic fact sheets, which are used as part of our multimodal, family-based, rehabilitation intervention for children and adolescents presenting with functional somatic symptoms. The fact sheets provide information about functional somatic symptoms -including their assessment and treatment -from a stress-system framework. They are used in the context of a family intervention to facilitate engagement with the family and to reduce parental anxiety and reactivity. Whilst the fact sheets were initially developed for parents, over time we found that the sheets were also useful in managing anxiety in the medical and school systems. A key goal of this article is to share this resource with other clinicians working with children/adolescents with functional somatic symptoms.Keywords: fact sheets, functional somatic symptoms, medically unexplained symptoms, parent education, system anxiety Key Points 1 Functional somatic symptoms signal distress and reflect an activation of the body's stress-regulation systems. 2 There is growing evidence for the efficacy of multimodal rehabilitation programs for the treatment of functional somatic symptoms that cause significant functional impairment. 3 To engage effectively in treatment, families need a clear explanation to understand their child's symptoms and how these symptoms can be treated. 4 Creating a framework and language for thinking and talking about functional somatic symptoms decreases family anxiety, improves information processing and facilitates engagement with the treating team. 5 Written information in conjunction with verbal information increases the family's capacity to retain information, reflect about the therapeutic process and make appropriate decisions regarding their child's treatment needs.
IntroductionFunctional somatic symptoms are physical symptoms that occur in the absence of organic pathology and reflect deregulations in the body's stress systems (Kozlowska, 2013a,b). Our consultation-liaison team based at the Children's Hospital at Westmead (Australia) has developed a multimodal, family-based, rehabilitation program for