“…A Prosper credit grade is a letter grade on a seven-point scale, ranging from AA to HR ("high risk"), which Prosper assigns based on the verified Experian Scorex PLUS credit score from the borrower's credit report. (Ravina 2008), lender learning from hard versus soft information (Iyer et al 2009), perceived trustworthiness (Duarte, Siegel and Young 2010), borrowers' identity claims (Herzenstein, Sonenshein, and Dholakia 2011), taste-based discrimination (Pope and Sydnor 2011), and interest rate caps (Rigbi 2011). Another stream of research examines the social network effects of Prosper, such as how friend endorsements affect loan performance (Freedman and Jin 2008), how borrowers' group affiliations relate to loan default risk (Everett 2010), how the strength and verifiability of relational network measures influence funding outcomes and loan defaults (Lin, Viswanathan and Prabhala 2011), and how participation in online communities changes lenders' risk preferences (Zhu et al 2011 we record a set of its attributes and monitor its funding progression, including the amount of funding it has received, the number of bids, and its current interest rate.…”