We are pleased to announce that Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion (ARLA) received its journal impact factor (JIF) as part of the journal citation reports (JCR) 2024 release. Impact factors represent a journal's quantitative assessment compared to peer journals. The score is based on the number of citations from the previous year and the number of articles and reviews published in the previous two years. The journal has been granted two-year impact factor scores of 1.3 (1.2 on the previous IF). The inclusion of the impact factors of emerging journals has favored the position of ARLA, which has moved up to the third quartile in both the business and management categories.In this issue, we publish eight research articles from authors and universities in five countries: Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Spain. A description of each article will be presented, as well as an invitation for the coming special issues of the journal. The articles of this issue are the following. First, an article about whether brand consumption and product category consumption bring more happiness. Second, a bibliometric study about the concept of entrepreneurs' well-being (EWB), the fact that entrepreneurs tend to be happier, more optimistic and enjoy higher resilience and self-esteem than others. Third, a study which identifies and prioritizes sustainable practices in last-mile logistics for small Brazilian e-retailers. Fourth, a case research method comparison between the work of a single organization handling different types of specialized public management institutions. The fifth article analyses the impact of transformational leadership on task performance in sales team members, considering the mediating role of leader-member exchange (LMX), perceived organizational support and work engagement. Sixth, an exploratory study about a cooperative integrating a native community of a reserved Amazon area into an inclusive value chain for export of caiman meat. Seventh, a study in six countries which shows that both firm characteristics and institutional and macroeconomic characteristics influence the Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administraci� on