Today's bank marketing uses traditional methods, using standard and boring ads to target prospects. Of course, this can impact the banking process, reducing the number of potential banking customers. Banks need to think outside the box and apply creative marketing ideas to drive their profitable marketing development and marketing success potential. Most consumers consider banking a daily necessity, and it is best to avoid it. If they can take a creative approach to bank marketing, that idea can change. Especially when bank marketing integrates creative bank marketing ideas such as gamification, automation, chatbots, and rewards to encourage potential customers to use banking services, therefore; this study uses a decision tree algorithm with the best trash old decisions to perform a classification process on's bank marketing dataset. The classification process uses Python 3 to find the accuracy value of the decision tree algorithm calculation using K-Fold and scale data. This survey achieved classification results with 82% accuracy, 84% recognition, and 85% accuracy with recommendations and creative marketing solutions.