This research study captured the stories of 11 university faculty about their lived experiences with the university's social justice mission. Key findings revealed: (a) faculty of color described experiencing racism on campus, (b) faculty of color felt marginalized on campus, (c) faculty developed their understanding of the mission over time, (d) the mission was experienced differently by faculty of color than by White faculty, (e) peer group support was vital for retaining faculty of color, and (f) there was little evidence of collective overt challenges to the dominant ideology of the university. The study used a case study methodology to understand how tenured and tenure-track faculty made meaning of and understood a university's mission at a private university in the western United States. Campus documents were analyzed and 11 faculty members were interviewed. Data were analyzed using the in vivo coding method and were interpreted through a critical race theory framework. Results indicate that more can be done by universities in the United States to create inclusive campuses and to retain faculty of color.Suggestions for actionable steps are offered. These results are significant because they inform higher education leadership that the work of implementing their mission is never over and that the higher education community must continuously strive to be more inclusive, equitable, and accessible.