We sought to assess the reliability and construct validity of the HIV/AIDS-Targeted Quality of Life instrument (HAT-QoL) and the Medical Outcomes Study HIV Health Survey (MOS-HIV) adapted for use in Shona-speaking rural Zimbabwe. HAT-QoL and MOS-HIV were translated and culturally adapted into Shona, and administered to a convenience-sample of 400 patients with HIV-related opportunistic infections. HIV disease severity and bereavement history were assessed. Factor analysis of the HAT-QoL items produced seven factors that were nearly identical to the factor structure reported for an American sample that was the basis for the current HAT-QoL scales. Factor analysis of the MOS-HIV scales resulted in a single factor, not the expected two-factor structure (physical and mental). Convergent and discriminant validity assessments confirmed, in general, that similar Shona HAT-QoL and MOS-HIV dimensions were correlated and dissimilar ones not correlated. Construct validity assessments indicated that, on the whole, most Shona HAT-QoL and MOS-HIV dimensions were capturing anticipated subgroup differences. The exceptions were the Shona MOS-HIV dimensions of general health perceptions, cognitive function, and the quality of life (QoL) item. The reliability and validity of most Shona-adapted HAT-QoL and MOS-HIV dimensions suggest that both instruments are likely useful in measuring the QoL of rural, Shona-speaking populations in Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Zambia, and Botswana.