It started as a somewhat zany idea. "A Geriatric ED? You've got to be kidding?"Then it suddenly became a trend. "Really? There are 250 Geriatric EDs in the USA alone?" Now, it's shaping up to be as standard a part of ED practice as the "Golden Hour" and the "door-to-balloon."Yes, hundreds of hospitals around the world have created Geriatric EDs in the past decade to better serve older people. Each one is unique and was created for unique reasons. But each hospital's decision to create a Geriatric ED was, in all likelihood, simply a sensible and often overdue response to the growing needs of its older ED patients, families, staff, and hospital.Now, when we say, "Geriatric ED," we don't mean what you probably think we mean: It is NOT a separate space, down the hall, custom-built, exclusively for older patientsalthough a few are. Rather, when we use the term "Geriatric ED," everywhere in this book, it means a regular general ED that has made the decision to intentionally implement changes in its people, processes, and place in order to improve the quality of care it provides to older patientsregardless of physical space or resources.We believe that every ED has the capacity to adopt a different culture of care in order to become a Geriatric ED. You don't need millions of dollars of rebuild and half a dozen new employees to make it happen in your ED. The changes we're guiding you to are available to every ED, large, small, urban, rural, community, or academic.In thousands of hospitals worldwide, the same scenario is unfolding with increasing intensity: Older patients and their caregivers show up to the ED in greater numbers every day, on every shift, with complex, multifaceted needs demanding attention. Business as usual is not an option for EDs in responding to these patients. By joining the Geriatric ED movement, many hospitals transform their care for older adults and satisfy their financial and funding needs while increasing their staff satisfaction.
Why Create a Geriatric ED?The decision to commit to a Geriatric ED model of care is a significant one. It requires a clear and convincing answer to the basic question: Why do it?Here's the answer: demographics and finances.