To better support TAs in creating inclusive classrooms, three (3) online, asynchronous modules were developed and implemented to introduce first-time TAs to core concepts of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) - Foundational EDI Language, Power, Privilege, and Positionality and Interrupting Bias. Over 100 1st time TA completed each module, with 80-90 providing feedback on their experience upon completion. A preliminary review of this feedback highlighted three major themes: 1) building awareness and knowledge, 2) applying EDI concepts to teaching practice & identifying actions, and 3) feeling empowered to act. Overall, TAs expressed strong development of awareness and new knowledge of key concepts such as equity and positionality. Although TAs were also able to identify and state the value of applying these concepts to their teaching practice, many expressed the sentiment of still feeling uncomfortable to act within “real-life” situations. Future iterations of such training could seek to address this through structured opportunities for analysis and feedback of reflective responses.