HOUŠŤ, M., PROCHÁZKOVÁ, B., HLEDÍK, P.: Eff ect of diff erent tillage intensity on yields and yield-forming factors in winter wheat. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2012, LX, No. 5, pp. 89-96 The paper presents results of a study on application of minimum tillage technologies when growing winter wheat. Experiments were performed in the sugar-beet-growing region with loamy chernozem within the period of [2005][2006][2007][2008][2009]. Aanalysed and evaluated were eff ects of diff erent methods of soil processing on yield-forming factors in stands of winter wheat grown a er three diff erent preceding crops (i.e. alfalfa, maize for silage and pea). Evaluated were the following four variants of tillage: The eff ect of diff erent tillage intensity on winter wheat yields was statistically non-signifi cant a er all forecrops. A er alfalfa, the highest and the lowest average yields were recorded in Variant 2 (i.e. with ploughing to the depth of 0.15 m) and Variant 3 (direct sowing into the untilled soil), respectively. A er maize grown for silage, higher yields were obtained in Variant 2 and Variant 1 (conventional ploughing) while in Variants 4 and 3 the obtained yields were lower. When growing winter wheat a er pea as a preceding crop, the highest and the lowest average yields were recorded a er direct sowing (Variant 3) and in Variant 1 (i.e. ploughing to the depth of 0.22 m), respectively. Results of studies on eff ect of diff erent tillage technologies on yields of winter wheat crops indicate that under the given pedological and climatic conditions it is possible to apply methods of reduced tillage intensity. However, the choice of the corresponding technology must be performed with regard to the type of preceding crop.tillage, winter wheat, yields, yield-forming factors Tillage and soil processing belong to those basic agrotechnical measures that signifi cantly contribute to yield formation of cultivated fi eld crops. The mechanical processing of soil is also an important tool when controlling or killing weeds, pests and plant diseases. The main task of tillage is to create favourable conditions for growth and development of plants and for a proper course of various processes taking place in soil. The mechanical processing changes the generall physical condition of soil, which determines aeration of soil and also its hydraulic, thermal and biological properties. Opinions concerning proper methods and technologies of soil processing are continuously developing and changing.Nowadays, technologies of minimum tillage are considered worldwide as an important alternative of conventional methods of soil processing based on ploughing. In the Czech Republic, research studies on the application of minimum and zero tillage technologies have a long-standing tradition. The most important expansion and application of these technologies took place a er the year 1990 and it is estimated by many experts that at present they are used on more than 40 % of arable land. Main reasons of this expansion and develop...