The temperature dependence of the rate and magnitude of the reappearance of photosystem 11 (PSII) variable fluorescence following illumination has been used to determine plant temperature optima. The present study was designed to determine the effect of a plant's environmental history on the thermal dependency of the reappearance of PSII variable fluorescence. In eter, the Michaelis constant (Kin), to define the limits of thermal stress (2, 8, 10, 11). These measures are used as indicators of metabolic efficiency. The TKWs have been identified for several crop species (1, 2, 4, 5). These TKWs are narrower than plant temperatures experienced on a seasonal or daily basis (2). When plants are at temperatures outside of their TKW, reduction in growth and development occurs (2). Maintenance of plant temperatures within the TKW is controlled, primarily, by transpirational cooling during the day. The plant has no capacity to increase its leaf temperature if ambient temperature is below the TKW. Thus, the ability of plants to maintain optimal temperature is directly dependent upon the available soil water stored in the soil volume.The information provided by the TKW has been used in characterizing the stress that field crops experience (2), comparing differences between and within crop species (4), improving irrigation management (13), and providing new approaches to improving a crop's thermotolerance (3). The time, expense, and facilities required to determine the TKW of a plant was a limitation to more general use, however. An alternative and rapid method for determining the optimum temperature of a plant was needed. Burke (1) suggested that a temperature-dependent Chl fluorescence measurement might be used to determine plant temperature optima. PSII variable fluorescence is routinely monitored in the leaves of plants that have been dark adapted for approximately 30 min (6, 7). The PSII Fv signal of these "dark adapted" leaves is near maximum for an individual leaf (7). Conversely, Fv of light-saturated leaves is close to zero. The technique used by Burke (1) was to monitor the time course of the reappearance of the Fv signal for leaves moved from the light and placed in the dark. The rate of Fv reappearance and the maximum Fv value reached was dependent on the temperature of the leaf during the dark incubation period (1). Using leaves from well-watered, laboratory grown plants, Burke (1) has demonstrated that the incubation temperature resulting in the optimum reappearance of PSII Fv directly corresponded with the temperatures within the TKW for seven plant species. The incubation temperature resulting in the optimal Fv reappearance was determined by comparing maximum Fv