E-health platforms are fast becoming popular as they provide faster and hassle free services to the consumers and also proving to be time and cost effective. With the help of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) present research is an attempt to study the elements attracting the consumers’ technology adoption in healthcare and also to identify and propose a conceptual model. Primary data was collected from 298 respondents from the various private hospitals of Punjab and Union Territory using a questionnaire with five point likert scale. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was done using AMOS 21.The factor analysis explored four factors which were named as Perceived usefulness, Perceived ease of use, Behavioral intention and risk. Model fit indices of the default model were chi-square degree of freedom-806.310/316,RMR-0.54, GFI-0.835, AGFI-0.803, NFI-0.896, TLI-0.926, RMSEA-0.07`suggest a good fit model. The study suggests the important factors responsible for technology acceptance for e-Health care consumers