Objective: This article examines the determinants of father-child contact in Germany after divorce and separation, with a special emphasis on the role of legal child support. Background: The contact separated fathers have with their children is a policy-relevant issue that has been intensively addressed in previous research for the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada. For continental Europe, there has been far less research on this topic. This article investigated how fathers' union status at childbirth, custody arrangements, and past and present partnership dynamics affect the level of contact they had with their first-born child from a prior union. Method: Data were used from Wave 2 (2009)(2010) to Wave 8 (2015Wave 8 ( -2016 of the German Family Panel pairfam (www.pairfam .de). With a final sample size of 285 fathers, population average logistic models were estimated that examined nonresident fathers' probability