“…The mean (median) value in our sample for trust measure is 0.337 (0.316) and is comparable to other studies using this measure (e.g., Pevzner et al 2014 The variables are defined as follows: T_Comp is the total compensation in millions of U.S. dollars, L_TC is the log of total compensation, PCTEQ follows compensation variable from Bryan et al (2010) and is the ratio of total equity-based compensation (options awards given and stock awards given) to total compensation, SIZE is measured as log of total assets at the end of the year, LEV is book leverage measured as value of current book equity scaled be total assets at the end of the year, MTB is the market value to the book value at the end of the year, GDP is log of annual GDP in US dollars, ROA is net income at the end of the year scaled by end of the year's total assets, LEGAL is principal component factor derived from three legal measures rule of law (RULE_OF_LAW), efficiency of the judicial system (EFF) (both from the La Porta et al 1998) and law and order index (LAWORDER) from the Economic Freedom of World annual reports, ID is income disparity and represents total compensation paid to the CEO scaled by the average employee compensation, R&D is research and development expense scaled by total assets, TAX RATE is highest marginal personal tax rate at the country level, RISK-equity beta is the firm annual beta reported in Bloomberg, CEO TENURE is in number of years, and RATED is a dummy variable which equals 1 if firm has Standard & Poor's long-term issuer credit rating. Table 6 reports the results of hypotheses 1a (columns 1-4 for Model (1)) and 1b (columns 5-8 for Model (2)).…”