formation. I could not forget to thank my friends from all walks of life, those that have been with me since the school years, those I have met through my gaming hobbies and those that I have come to know through the academia, to the many memories and precious moments we shared. In particular, I would like to thank my friends Victor and Vinicius for our long conversations through Discord -sharing our worries and hopes -that helped me keep my sanity during this period. I would also like to thank all my teachers that helped me be the researcher I am today. In particular, I thank my Ph.D. advisor Lúcia for our talks, presentations and several ideas and suggestions made throughout my academic journey that helped in my formation and also to write my Ph.D. thesis. My gratitude also goes to Gabriel, not only for co-authoring my first -to be published -paper, but for also helping organizing our institute's set theoretic topology group, and helping me in my future academic endeavors. And finally an especially heartfelt thank you to my mother Maria Ines for her earnest concerns and hopes for me, so that she may know the importance of our conversations and her presence, which helped me, not only through the COVID-19 pandemic, but throughout my life.
ResumoRodrigo Rey Carvalho. Propriedades de cobertura, reflexões em submodelos elementares e partições em espaços topológicos. Tese (Doutorado).