We show that a left CF ring is left artinian if and only if it is von Neumann regular modulo its left singular ideal. We deduce that a left FGF is Quasi-Frobenius (QF) under this assumption. This clarifies the role played by the Jacobson radical and the singular left ideal in the FGF and CF conjectures. In Sec. 3 of the paper, we study the structure of left artinian left CF rings. We prove that they are left continuous and left CEP rings. .
1350025-1 J. Algebra Appl. 2013.12. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on 04/13/15. For personal use only. R R u fr / / R R u E gr / / E 1350025-2 J. Algebra Appl. 2013.12. Downloaded from www.worldscientific.com by UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY on 04/13/15. For personal use only. The FGF Conjecture and the Singular Ideal of a Ringwhere u : R → E is the embedding of R R into its injective envelope.Lemma 1. The assignment f r → g r induces a ring homomorphismProof. We only need to check that Φ is well defined. Assume that g, h ∈ S satisfy that gRemark 2. Let us note that, as J(S) consists of those R-endomorphisms of E having essential kernel, Ker(Φ) is the left singular ideal of R,where l R (r) denotes the left annihilator of r in R. Therefore, Φ induces an injective homomorphism of rings
Lemma 3. Let R be a ring, E = E( R R), S = End R (E) and J = J(S). There exists an injective map from the set of isomorphism classes of simple left ideals of R R to the set of isomorphism classes of simple left ideals of S/J.Proof. We will adapt the proof given in [6, Lemma 2.1]. Let us define this map as follows. If C ⊆ Soc( R R) is a simple left ideal, then E( R C) is an indecomposable direct summand of E. Therefore, there exists an idempotent e C ∈ S such that E(C) = Ee C . As E(C) is indecomposable, e C is a primitive idempotent of S and, as eSe = End(Se) is a local ring, we get that Se C is the projective cover of the simple module Se C /Je C ∈ Soc( S/J S/J). We map C → Se C /Je C . Clearly, the above assignments are unique up to isomorphism.