Epiphytes are plants that use the mechanical support provided by a host tree, called phorophytes, without emitting haustorial structures. Constituting an important component of the flora, playing an important role in the maintenance of ecosystems, such as water and nutrient cycling, in addition to providing resources, sometimes unique, such as food and shelter, for the canopy fauna. However, the epiphytic flora may show high beta diversity, even when compared with different phorophytes, possibly as a response to the dendromorphological characteristics of the phorophyte. Thus, this work aims to: 1) compare whether the species richness of epiphytes differs in trees with different morphological characteristics, and 2) compare species composition among three tree species. For this, 10 individuals of three tree species were selected: Guaria guidonia, Ficus sp., and Roystonea oleracea. In each individ-