International literature suggests that many young people transitioning from government care become parents before age 21, characteristically termed ‘early parenting’, at least in the English-speaking world. Yet there is only limited knowledge of the factors that lead to this challenging responsibility. This paper presents findings from a qualitative study of service providers’ experiences working with young people transitioning from care who had become parents, in the state of Victoria, Australia. Victorian service providers recommended ways that current out-of-home care, transition from care and parenting services could be improved to reduce feelings of loss, including new service approaches that prioritise relationship-based practice, holistic support and practical assistance from a trusted person or service. Preventing feelings of loss and isolation and increasing supportive relationships in care and throughout transitions from care may help to prevent early pregnancy and parenting amongst care leavers who otherwise lack resources for parenting independently. Providing parenting support which addresses feelings of loss and social isolation may reduce the increasing numbers of children being placed in care, and associated ongoing cycles of child protection involvement with disadvantaged families.