Highly accurate anharmonic vibrational frequencies of electronically excited states are not as easily computed as their ground electronic state counterparts, but recently developed approximate triple excited state methods may be changing that. One emerging excited state method is equation of motion coupled cluster theory at the singles and doubles level with perturbative triples computed via the (a)* formalism, EOMEE-CCSD(T)(a)*. One of the most employed means for the ready computation of vibrational anharmonic frequencies for ground electronic states is second-order vibrational perturbation theory (VPT2), a theory based on quartic force fields (QFFs),fourth-order Taylor series expansions of the potential portion of the internuclear Watson Hamiltonian. The combination of these two is herein benchmarked for its performance for use as a means of computing rovibrational spectra of electronically excited states. Specifically, the EOMEE-CCSD(T)(a)* approach employing a complete basis set extrapolation along with core electron inclusion and relativity (the so-called "CcCR" approach) defining the QFF produces anharmonic fundamental vibrational frequencies within 2.83%, on the average, of reported gas-phase experimentally assigned values for the test set including the A A