Chairman of the Field Studies CouncilNoddfa Chapel, Braichgoch Terrace, Corris via Machynlleth, Powys SY20 9LL Real education in environmental understanding is about inspiring and enlarging people's curiosity. It is about generating a breadth of interest and not just a depth of expertise. It should encourage appreciation of the environment, not just understanding, and it helps if it also leaves some room for wonder.'Environmental Understanding for All' is the clear aim of the Field Studies Council. We have set ourselves to this difficult but exciting task. We have tried to develop some environmental understanding in all sorts of people; young and old, rural and urban, committed and indifferent, despoilers and conservationists, politicians and pressure groups, industry and commerce, academic and non-academic.The main thrust of our attack is based at one Day Centre, one main Research Unit, six Residential Centres in England and three in Wales. These Centres are up mountains, by the coast, in forests, on the shores of lakes and tarns. Some of them are almost in fields! We have well over a hundred professional and dedicated staff helping us to look after many thousands of customers each year.In the spectrum of scientific and conservation organizations concerned with the environment, we have an important and honoured place. We have, perhaps, stood too passively on the sidelines and we need a higher profile to get the resources and recognition to move forward-but we can be proud of the start we have made towards 'Environmental Understanding for All'.