Resonant interaction of electromagnetic waves and energetic electrons plays an important role in the dynamics of magnetoactive plasma confined in space and laboratory magnetic traps. One of the most intriguing manifestations of such interaction is the generation of powerful electromagnetic radiation and bursts of energetic electrons from the magnetic trap due to kinetic instabilities. Kinetic instabilities are caused by the presence of positive gradients in the velocity distribution of resonant particles due to different acceleration mechanisms in space (betatron acceleration, acceleration as a result of plasma-wave turbulence and magnetic reconnection) and laboratory plasma (cyclotron heating, magnetic compression, beam heating).Understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of generation of waves in all frequency ranges and plasma parameters is important to build a complete model of the electromagnetic background not only in the Earth's magnetosphere, but also for other planets. Field experiments, primarily satellite measurements are subject to significant restrictions because of the local nature and complexity of the measurement of spatial and temporal separation of dependencies, especially significant for non-stationary processes. In view of the universality of the physical mechanisms of generation of radiation, significant aspects of natural systems can be reproduced in the laboratory in the open magnetic configurations with magnetic mirrors. The laboratory simulation is valuable due to the fact that, firstly, in the laboratory it is possible to change the parameters of the plasma in a controlled manner, and secondly, to provide multiple repeatability. The fundamental goal of the study is to define universal mechanisms responsible for the formation of temporal regimes and dynamic spectra of stimulated emission of unstable plasma, determination of plasma emission propagation properties, and also to study the characteristics of the generated radiation impact on the plasma confinement in the trap, and the distribution of particles leaving the trap.The opportunity to recreate different conditions for excitation and amplification of waves in plasma in a single electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) discharge pulse has been demonstrated by IAPRAS scientists, which have the priority results in this area [1][2][3]. The highly nonequilibrium ECR discharge plasma was created and sustained in the mirror magnetic trap by the pulsed gyrotron microwave radiation at a frequency of 37.5 GHz at power level up to 100 kW. At different stage of the discharge different conditions for excitation of waves are realized which are defined by the ratio fpe/fce (fpe -electron plasma frequency, fсe -electron cyclotron frequency):(1) rarefied plasma at initial discharge stage (fpe << fce), when density of hot electrons exceeds density of cold fraction; (2) dense plasma at developed discharge stage (fpe>fce), when density of hot particles is much less than density of cold plasma; (3) at plasma decay stage (fpe<