Very low frequency (VLF) whistler-mode waves play an important role in the distribution of the electromagnetic power and wave-particle interactions in the Earth's magnetosphere. They are particularly important for many processes related to energization, transport, and precipitation of energetic electrons in the Earth's radiation belts (Inan et al., 1985;Trakhtengerts et al., 2003). Whistler-mode waves can be generated by wave-particle interactions in the magnetosphere (Inan et al., 1985). Satellites observe these waves in a variety of locations in the magnetosphere Chen, Gao, Lu, Tsurutani, & Wang, 2021). One of the main questions related to whistler-mode waves dynamics pertains to how they can propagate over a significant distance through inhomogeneous, magnetized plasma, with little attenuation. Previous studies have displayed that for the same observed duct, whistler-mode waves with varying parameters can be ducted anywhere from 90.9% to 10.2% (Williams & Streltsov, 2021). This question has been studied extensively since the pioneering paper on whistler-mode waves by Storey (1954),