The conventional measure of cosmic acceleration, denoted as \( q \), relies heavily on the frame of reference and operates within a 3D space-like coordinate system, potentially leading to misinterpretations of underlying physics. In this study, we propose a novel measure, \( q_E \), grounded in distances between causal events in 4D null space. We compare \( q_E \) with the standard \( q \) using observational data from supernovae (SN) and radial galaxy/quasar (QSO) clustering (BAO) to find a better alignment of data with \( q_E \). Our analysis indicates that cosmic expansion, when viewed in the rest frame, is decelerating, with events confined by an Event Horizon akin to that of a Black Hole interior. Rather than invoking new dark energy or modified gravity, we propose that \( \Lambda \) corresponds to a boundary term exerting an attractive influence, analogous to a rubber band resisting further expansion and preventing horizon crossing of events. Contrary to prevailing notions, interpreting current cosmic expansion measurements as deceleration, rather than acceleration, offers a more accurate depiction of observed phenomena and the underlying physics. This reevaluation prompts further investigation into the nature of cosmic expansion, as well as the exploration of alternative frameworks and measures in cosmology.