This paper presents a strategy for measuring sin 2 θW to ∼1% at a reactor-based experiment, using νe elastic scattering. This error is comparable to the NuTeV, SLAC E158, and APV results on sin 2 θW , but with substantially different systematic contributions. The measurement can be performed using the near detector of the presently proposed reactor-based oscillation experiments. We conclude that an absolute error of ∼ δ(sin 2 θW ) = 0.0019 may be achieved. This paper outlines a method for measuring sin 2 θ W (Q 2 ≈ 0) at a reactor-based experiment. The study is motivated by the NuTeV result, a 3σ deviation of sin 2 θ W from the Standard Model prediction [1], measured in deep inelastic neutrino scattering (Q 2 = 1 to 140 GeV 2 , Q 2 ν = 26 GeV 2 , Q 2 ν = 15 GeV 2 ). Various Beyond-the-Standard Model explanations have been put forward [2,3,4], and, to fully resolve the issue, many require a follow-up experiment which probes the neutral weak couplings specifically with neutrinos, such as the one described here.This proposed measurement is also interesting as an additional precision study at Q 2 = 4×10 −6 GeV 2 . The two existing low Q 2 measurements are from atomic parity violation (APV) [5], which samples Q 2 ∼ 10 −10 GeV 2 ; and SLAC E158, a Møller scattering experiment at average Q 2 = 0.026 GeV 2 [6]. Using the measurements at the Z-pole with Q 2 = M 2 z to fix the value of sin 2 θ W , and evolving to low Q 2 , Fig. 1 shows that these results are in agreement with the Standard Model. However, the radiative corrections to neutrino interactions allow sensitivity to high mass particles which are complementary to the APV and Møller scattering corrections. Thus, this proposed measurement will provide valuable additional information.The technique we employ uses the rate of the purely leptonic νe scattering to measure sin 2 θ W . This signal was first detected by Reines, Gurr, and Sobel [7], who measured sin 2 θ W = 0.29 ± 0.05. In this paper, we explore what is necessary to improve on their idea and make a competitive measurement today. One important step is to normalize the νe "elastic scatters" using the νp inverse beta decay events, to reduce the error on the flux. Other crucial improvements are that the detector is located beneath an overburden of ∼300 mwe (meters, water-equivalent) and built in a clean environment. We find that a measurement of ±0.0020 is achievable. This is comparable to the NuTeV error of ±0.00164, and may help clarify the theoretical situation, as shown in references [8,9].The proposed design employs spherical scintillator oil detectors similar to those used by CHOOZ [10] and by other experiments which have been proposed to measure the oscillation parameter θ 13 [11].This style of detector has been optimized to reconstruct νp → e + n events, which dominate the rate when