White piedra (WP) of the scalp is a superficial mycotic infection of the hairs frequently reported in tropical humid regions as Southeast Asia, South America, and Middle East. 1 The majority of cases occur in children and young adult females. 2 It is characterized clinically by the presence of multiple whitish soft nodules along the hair shafts. The patients may also present with dry lusterless hair, hair breakage, and frayed ends. 3 Direct microscopic examination and culture of infected hair enable a definitive diagnosis to be made. 4 Treatment of scalp WP is challenging as eliminating the fungus through cutting the hair is not always acceptable by the patients. Moreover, lack of response and post-treatment relapse is frequently encountered after topical antifungal therapy. 3 Persistent infection is more common in patients with long hair and those who reutilize their infected hairbrushes. 5 It was also hypothesized that the organism may cause penetration of the hair cuticle by its keratolytic activity, which