Over the past severa! years Cuba has evolved from a relatively isolated country that shunned tourism to one of the Caribbean 's most important leisure destinations for international visitors. The island's reliance on tourism has forced it to reinsert itself into the global capitalist economy and undergo substantial economie transformation, including severa! capitalist measures. This analysis uses a Global Commodity Chain (GCC) analysis to map the geography and organization of the different segments involved in the Cuban tourism industry. A GCC allows us to examine the physical and human geography of the area, the conception, planning, and implementation involved in the development of the various sites, the major local and foreign organizations involved, and marketing and advertising strategies. 1 find that the organizational and cultural cohesiveness managed by the Cuban govemment along the segments of the chain, its ability to maintain key areas of control over tourism sectors even wh en foreign partners are heavily involved, and its ability to reinsert itself into the global economy through the tourism industry are major factors that exp lain the unprecedented growth rates in the Cuban tourism industry. This research supports much of the recent literature on GCCs, which con tend that developmental performance is affected by a state's ability to strategically participate in an increasingly integrated intemationalized system. The Cuban case further illustrates how market mechanisms can be reconciled with state planning while maintaining the socialist orientation of the economy.Resumen. Éste articula evalua el desarrollo del turismo en Cuba. En los ultimos anos Cuba dej6 de ser un pais relativamente aislado el cual rechazaba el turismo para convertirse en uno de los mas importantes destinas caribefios para visitantes intemacionales. Actualmente el mercado turistico Cubano posee el crecimiento mas rapido en el munda. Debido a sus recursos fisicos, sociales y culturales, ademas de sus diversas regiones, Cuba disfruta de una ventaja competitiva sobre sus competidores Caribefios. La industria del turismo cubana difiere de la mayoria ya que es controlada por el Estado. Sin embargo, la dependencia de la isla en el turismo, la ha obligado a reintegrarse a la economia capitalista global y a someterse a una transformaci6n econ6mica substancial. Este cambio incluye varias medidas capitalistas. Éste analisis emplea el analisis de Cadenas Globales de Mercancias (CGM) para delimitar la geografia y organizaci6n de los diferentes segmentas involucrados en la industria turistica Cubana. El CGM nos permite examinar la geografia fisica y humana del area, la creaci6n, planeamiento e implementaci6n envueltos en el desarrollo de diversos lugares, las organizaciones implicadas mas importantes, y las estrategias de publicidad y mercadotecnia. Yo hallo que la cohesion organizacional y cultural manejada por el gobiemo Cubano a través de los segmentas de la cadena, su habilidad para mantener areas cruciales de control sobre los sectores de...