We examine the specialization to simple matroids of certain problems in extremal matroid theory that are concerned with bounded cocircuit size. Assume that each cocircuit of a simple matroid M has at most d elements. We show that if M has rank 3, then M has at most d + ⌊ √ d⌋ + 1 points and we classify the rank-3 simple matroids M that have exactly d + ⌊ √ d⌋ + 1 points. We show that if M is a connected matroid of rank 4 and d is q 3 with q > 1, then M has at most q 3 + q 2 + q + 1 points; this upper bound is strict unless q is a prime power, in which case the only such matroid with exactly q 3 + q 2 + q + 1 points is the projective geometry PG(3, q). We also show that if d is q 4 for a positive integer q and if M has rank 5 and is vertically 5-connected, then M has at most q 4 + q 3 + q 2 + q + 1 points; this upper bound is strict unless q is a prime power, in which case PG(4, q) is the only such matroid that attains this bound.