One recent empirical regularity is that …rm-growth is negatively related to …rm's age. Besides, employment-age pro…les are ‡atter in less developed economies, but it is also observed ‡atter employmentage pro…les among fast growing economies rather than in slow growing economies. This paper develops an occupational choice life-cycle model based on Guner et al. (2015), where entrepreneurs'skills determine entrepreneurial technology in a similar way to Poschke (2015). We consider that exogenous technological advances imply a higher degree of complexity. Entrepreneurs' skills determine the degree of complexity they can manage. As in Guner et al. (2015), entrepreneurs invest in their skills over their life-cycle. But, unlike Guner et al. (2015), entrepreneurs' skills depreciation depends also on the rhythm at which skills of newborn entrepreneurs are growing. The empirical implication of the stationary equilibrium concerning …rm growth is consistent with these observed facts.