“…†Sample size (N) is the unweighted number of e-cigarette non-users for each corresponding country-level characteristic.‡aOR were estimated multilevel logistic random-effects models, to take into account the heterogeneity between the countries. Estimates in bold are statistically significant at 0.05 level.§Reference category.¶Geographical area was categorised into Northern Europe (Ireland, Latvia and England), Western Europe (France and Germany), Southern Europe (Italy, Greece, Portugal and Spain) and Eastern Europe (Bulgaria, Poland and Romania) according to United Nations M49 Standard,35 by the World Bank gross domestic product (GDP) per capita into GDP per capita36 ≤25.000€ (Bulgaria, Latvia, Romania, Poland, Portugal and Greece) and GDP per capita>25.000€ (England, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy and Spain), by score of37 Tobacco Control Scale≤50 (Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal, Latvia, Greece and Germany) and Tobacco Control Scale>50 (England, Ireland, France, Romania, Italy and Spain), by country’s total smoking prevalence into <20% (Ireland, Italy and England), 20%–30% (Germany, Latvia and Poland) and >30% (Bulgaria, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Spain)33 and by country’s total population e-cigarette use prevalence into <1% (Poland, Portugal and Spain), 1%–4% (Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia and Romania) and >4% (France, Greece and England). The latter two were estimated from the TackSHS survey data.…”