To validate, from a client and family perspective, the defining characteristics for the nursing diagnosis altered family processes: alcoholism; and to identify demographic, family, and selected treatment information from clients and family members.
Subjects (N = 150) completed Fehring's (1987) Clinical Diagnostic Validation (CVD) Index for 110 defining characteristics of the nursing diagnosis altered family processes: alcoholism.
Alcoholic families display behaviors of alcohol abuse, loss of control of drinking, denial, nicotine addiction, impaired communication, inappropriate expression of anger, and enabling behaviors. Family feelings indicate the presence of unhappiness, hurt, frustration, guilt, moodiness, powerlessness, loneliness, mistrust, anger, anxiety, and hopelessness.
These clinically validated characteristics will complete the assessment phase of this research and direct the path to future studies to determine appropriate goals/outcomes and interventions related to alcoholic families.