. 2000. Whole-body protein metabolism and plasma profiles of amino acids and hormones in growing barrows fed diets adequate or deficient in lysine. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 585-595. Eighteen growing barrows (body weight: 26.6 ± 1.4 kg) were assigned (day 0) to one of three levels of dietary lysine: to be deficient (0.45%; L1), to achieve (0.75%; L2), or to exceed (0.98%; L3) National Research Council (NRC) (1988) lysine requirements (as-fed basis), according to a completely randomized block design. Nitrogen balance was measured over a 6-d period (days 10 to 16). On day 16, pigs were moved into respiratory chambers and received a 6-h continuous i.v. infusion of NaH 13 CO 3 (1.66 µmol h -1 kg -1 , preceded by a priming dose of 2.35 µmol kg -1 ) on day 17. The following day, pigs received an i.v. infusion of L-[1-13 C]leucine (11.07 µmol h -1 kg -1 , preceded by a priming dose of 11.07 µmol kg -1 ). Average daily gain and nitrogen retention increased (P < 0.10) by 36 and 20%, respectively, as dietary lysine content increased from L1 to L3. Leucine irreversible loss rate increased (P < 0.05) by 14% from diets L1 to L3, while leucine oxidation remained constant (P > 0.10) between diets. In consequence, fractional oxidation decreased (P < 0.05) by 20%, from L1 to L3. Protein synthesis and degradation increased (P < 0.05) from diets L1 to L2, but the values for the diets L2 and L3 were similar. Insulin levels tended to increase from L1 to L3 (P < 0.10), while that of triiodothyronine decreased from diets L1 to L3 (P < 0.05). Daily feed intake, nutrient digestibility, energy metabolism and plasma concentrations of insulin-like growth factor 1 and growth hormone were not affected (P > 0.10) by treatments. In conclusion, the improvement in protein gain associated with increasing lysine supplementation to achieve lysine requirement involved a general stimulation of whole-body turnover, protein synthesis being increased to a larger extent than protein degradation.Key words: Pigs, protein, metabolism, hormone, lysine, leucine Roy, N., Lapierre, H. et Bernier, J.F. 2000. Métabolisme protéique de l'organisme entier et profil plasmatique des acides aminés et des hormones chez des porcs en croissance alimentés avec des régimes adéquats ou carencés en lysine. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 80: 585-595. Dix-huit porcs en croissance (poids vif: 26,6 ± 1,4 kg) ont été répartis (jour 0) selon un dispositif expéri-mental en blocs complets aléatoires dans l'une des trois rations suivantes: 0,45% (L1), 0,75% (L2) et 0,98% (L3) de lysine, sur une base tel que servi. Le bilan azoté a été déterminé pendant une période de 6 jours (j 10 à 16). Les porcs, placés en chambres respiratoires, ont été perfusés i.v. avec du NaH 13 CO 3 (1,66 µmole h -1 kg -1 , précédé par une dose d'amorçage de 2,35 µmole kg -1 ) et de la L-[1-13 C]leucine (11,07 µmole h -1 kg -1 précédé par une dose d'amorçage de 11,07 µmole kg -1 ) pendant 6 h aux jours 17 et 18, respectivement. Le gain moyen quotidien et la rétention azotée ont augmenté (P < 0,10) de 36 et 20%, respectivement...