Community theatre and indigenous performance traditions. An introduction to Chicano theatre, with reference to parallel developments in South Africa
This article will fo c u s on the theme o f com munity and on the fo rm s stem m ing fro m ora! literature a n d m usical tradition in Chicano theatre, while draw ing comparisons with sim ilar developments in South Africa.I will argue that the reappropriation o f traditional m odes a n d their integration into stage perform ance replaced the fo rm erly "Eurocentric definition o f theatre" with a more indigenous specificity, a development that has been observed in South Africa as well (Hauplfleisch, 1988:40). We can thus speak o f a certain divergence fro m standard contem porary Western traditions in both the Chicano a n d the black South African com m unity theatre, a trend that is notable in both their themes a n d form s.