In Thomas Dekker's Satiromastix the poet Horace is a blatant caricature of Ben Jonson. Throughout the play Captain Tucca, a character taken from Jonson's Poetaster, is used to mercilessly criticise Jonson. In one scene Tucca mocks him for having been 'a poore Iorneyman Player' and then makes a reference to his involvement in the Isle of Dogs affair: Death of Hercules, he could neuer play that part well in's life, no Fulkes you could not: thou call'st Demetrius Iorneyman Poet, but thou putst vp a Supplication to be a poore Iorneyman Player, and hadst beene still so, but that thou couldst not set a good face vpon't: thou hast forgot how thou amblest (in leather pilch) by a play-wagon, in the highway, and took'st mad Ieronimoes part, to get seruice a m o n g t h e M i m i c k e s : a n d w h e n t h e S t a g e r i t e s b a n i s h t t h e e into the Ile of Dogs, thou turn'dst Ban-dog (villanous Guy) & euer since bitest, therefore I aske if th'ast been at Parris-garden, because thou hast such a good mouth; thou baitst well, read, lege, saue thy selfe and read 1 .