Despite decades of research focused on the representation of concepts, little is known about the influence of self-regulatory processes when learning natural categories. Such work is vital, as many contexts require selfregulation when we form complex concepts. Previous research has demonstrated that interleaving, as compared to blocking, can improve classification. Thus, as an initial step to explore self-regulated learning of natural concepts, we evaluated whether people chose to block or interleave their practice. According to the search-for-differences hypothesis, people attempt to identify features of birds that distinguish one category (i.e., bird family) from another, and hence should interleave their study. According to the search-forsimilarities hypothesis, people attempt to identify features that indicate inclusion into a single category, and hence are expected to block their study. To evaluate these hypotheses, we had participants learn exemplar birds (e.g., Song Sparrow) with their respective bird families (e.g., Sparrow) by selecting the order in which to study bird families. Across four experiments, different formats for selecting exemplars for study were used, so as to provide converging evidence for how participants regulated their learning. Participants overwhelmingly preferred to block their study, even though interleaving is normatively better for learning.Keywords Self-regulated learning . Concept formation . Metacognition . Blocked versus interleaved practice Whenever one seeks to "find out something," one is immediately faced with deciding upon the order in which to make one's inquiries. It is commonplace to remark that some orders of inquiry are better than others. (Bruner, Goodnow, & Austin, 1956, p. 81) In this quote from The Study of Thinking, Bruner et al. (1956) highlight the importance of the decisions that people make as they regulate their learning of concepts. Although self-regulated learning is ubiquitous in many contexts, relatively little is known about how people regulate their learning of concepts, because most research on concept formation has sought to discover how concepts are represented. To explore how people represent concepts, researchers have typically tested formal models by using artificial stimuli, and the presentation order of those stimuli during learning has been under the control of the experimenter (for overviews, see Goldstone, 1994;Medin & Schaffer, 1978). Experimenter control of presentation order was also employed in some early research on concept formation, which focused on how people generate and test hypotheses (or rules) about the concepts that they are learning (e.g., Halford, Cross, & Maybery, 1984). This research has been vital for discovering how people represent categories, yet it offers little insight into how people regulate their concept formation. Accordingly, we introduce procedures to explore how people regulate their learning of natural categories, which has relevance to research on self-regulated learning, concept formation, a...