The process of choosing ground motions typically relies on assembling a collection of ground motions that match a desired spectrum. This selection process is guided by specific seismological criteria, including factors like earthquake magnitude, distance from the epicenter, site soil type, and the range of spectral periods that need to fit with the target spectrum. The selection algorithm and the available dataset of waveforms obviously play significant roles in this process. In many engineering and site response applications, it is essential that the input ground motion is representative for the shaking at the free surface of the Earth, and at times also a specific soil type may be required. However, real waveform databases often lack sufficient and/or consistent metadata related to the installation type and soil characterization of recording stations, as well as to the earthquake seismological parameters. This deficiency can lead to the selection of inappropriate waveforms, such as those recorded by stations situated within manmade structures (buildings, bridges, dams) or on a soil type different than the intended one. To address this issue, our approach for creating an appropriate waveform database applicable to Switzerland starts with the computation of seismic hazard disaggregation for return periods of 475 and 975 years. This computation helps identifying the magnitude-distance scenarios most relevant for the five seismic hazard zones defined in the Swiss building code. Once these magnitude-distance ranges are identified, we adhere to established standards regarding the quality control of three-component waveforms and their associated metadata. We assemble a database of waveforms by collating and homogenizing data from available global databases. In the interest of comprehensiveness, we also incorporate data obtained from 3D physics-based numerical simulations of strong-motion near the seismic source. Finally, we employ an algorithm that integrates the Eurocode 8 waveform selection criteria. This algorithm allows us to select and scale waveforms suitable for microzonation and structural analysis studies within each of Switzerland’s five seismic hazard zones. Selecting waveforms compatible with the target design spectra proves to be challenging due to the stringent criteria imposed by Eurocode 8. This challenge arises from the scarcity of recorded waveforms with verified metadata and precise site characterization in the desired magnitude-distance ranges.