Fact-checking, for over a decade, is part of misinformation debunking strategies. This initiative, during the period, get pros and cons regarding to its effectiveness. In the midst of the controversy, it is necessary to figure out whether this practice is widely known and public perception and attitude towards fact-checking. Survey was conducted to gather data from 13 provinces in Indonesia. The provinces were elected in purpose to represent three are in Indonesia namely west, central, and east. Quota sampling based on age group category was proportionally utilized regarding to sampling techniques (N= 846). Research depicts fact-checking is not popular among the respondents particularly women, people with low level of education, and the older generation; thus, many of them rarely did fact-checking. Liputan6, Kompas, and Cekfakta.com are the most popular fact-checking organization while fact-checking by the government is the least popular. Most of the respondents have a positive perception and attitude on fact-checking such as reading, re-share, and discussing the clarified information with other people.