evaluate the reduction brought about by energy storage technology,
it is essential to first have accurate data on carbon emissions from
electricity consumption. However, when gathering this data by evaluating
marginal emission factors (MEFs), previous research measured only
generation emissions and direct transfer emissions while ignoring
the impact of embodied emissions from the cross-grid transfer. To
gather more accurate data, this study constructs an electricity network
composed of 28 European countries in 2019 and compares the difference
between the MEFs when considering the network-wide emissions and the
MEFs when only considering generation emissions and direct transfer
emissions for electricity trade (neglecting the indirect emissions
in purchased electricity). Three energy storage strategies are adopted
to evaluate the carbon emission reduction benefits of energy storage.
The results show that the errors in emission accounting and MEF calculation
are 7% and 10%, respectively, if the impact of electricity trade is
not taken into account. When disregarding the indirect emissions from
electricity trade, the errors in emission accounting and MEF calculation
are 1%. Implementing wind curtailment reduction strategies for energy
storage systems could effectively reduce electricity carbon emissions,
more than 200 gCO2/kWh in most countries with 100% storage
efficiency. The accuracy of MEFs has a significant impact on the results
of energy storage benefits, and the choice of storage strategies has
different effects on electricity emissions in the same country. Our
methods have general applicability for other regions and countries.