The processes underlying crater formation by energetic nanoparticle impact are investigated using molecular dynamics simulations. Both metallic and van-der-Waals-bonded targets are studied. We find a transition from crater formation by melt flow at small impact energies to an evaporation (gas flow) mechanism at higher energies. The transition occurs gradually at impact energies per atom of a few tens of the cohesive energy of the target. van-der-Waals-bonded solids do not exhibit the melt flow cratering regime, in agreement with the narrow liquid zone in their phase diagram. We find that the size of the target region heated above the critical temperature roughly corresponds to the crater volume. The transition shows up most clearly in the increase of the volume of ejected material relative to the crater volume. Finally, we demonstrate the punching of dislocations below the crater for high-velocity impact into ductile targets, leading to a contribution of plastic flow to the crater volume. Gesellschaft have considerably larger sizes. Typical velocities are in the range of 3-100 km s −1 ; this is conventionally called the hypervelocity impact regime. Further interest in such impacts can be found in applications of cluster-surface modification [7][8][9][10][11].The volume of the excavated crater scales in good approximation linearly with the total kinetic energy of the projectile. Such a linear dependence is found in experiments of µmand mm-sized metal dust particles or bullets on various materials [12][13][14]. Hydrocode simulations typically do not include an intrinsic length scale and also display this linear behavior. Molecular dynamics simulations of cluster impacts [15,16] have also found this linear scaling. In a recent publication [17], we could show that this linear scaling extends over a wide range of impact energies and cluster sizes. However, the question of which mechanisms lie beneath crater formation has not been satisfactorily answered until now. Undoubtedly, there is not a single mechanism responsible, but-depending on the projectile size, its energy and the nature of the target-several mechanisms may be involved.Molecular dynamics simulations may prove useful in studying nanoparticle impacts since they allow us to extract detailed (atomistic and thermodynamic) information on the crater formation mechanisms for these small projectiles. Here, we use these simulations to demonstrate that for a metallic target both melt flow, at lower energies, and gas flow, at higher energies, contribute to crater formation. For van-der-Waals-bonded materials, which exhibit only a narrow melting regime, the contribution of melt flow could not be identified. For ductile materials, such as the Cu target studied here, plastic flow by dislocation motion can also contribute to crater growth.