Gels of syndiotactic polypropylene-b-ethylene-propylene-rubber-b-syndiotactic polypropylene (sPP-EPR-sPP) were prepared by dissolving ∼6 wt % of the triblock copolymer in mineral oil at 170 °C and then cooling to room temperature in several steps to crystallize the sPP block. The gel was subjected to step-cycle processing by first extending it to a given maximum tensile strain, followed by decreasing the load to zero. The cycle was then repeated to a higher maximum strain and so on until the sample either failed or it reached an ultimate predetermined strain. The true stress and true strain ε H during each cycle were recorded, including the true strain at zero load ε H,p after each cycle that resulted from the plastic deformation of the sPP crystals in the gel. The initial Young's modulus E init and maximum tangent modulus E max in each cycle undergo dramatic changes as a function of ε H,p , with E init decreasing for ε H,p e 0.1 and then increasing slowly as ε H,p increases to 1 while E max increases rapidly over the entire range of ε H,p , resulting in a ratio of E max /E init > 1000 at the highest maximum (nominal) strain of 20. On the basis of small-angle X-ray scattering patterns from the deformed and relaxed gels, as well as on previous results on deformation of semicrystalline random copolymers by Strobl and co-workers, we propose that the initial decrease in E init with ε H,p is due to a breakup of the network of the original sPP crystal lamellae while the increase in E max with ε H,p is caused by the conversion of the sPP lamellae into fibrils of an aspect ratio that increases with further plastic deformation. The gel elastic properties can be understood as those of a short fiber composite with a highly deformable matrix. At zero stress the random copolymer midblock chains that connect the fibrils cause these to make all angles to the tensile axis (low E init ) while at the maximum strain the stiff crystalline sPP fibrils align with the tensile axis producing a strong, relatively stiff gel.