effects of selenium species on the Belousov–Zhabotinsky
(B–Z) reaction were investigated by adding them to the system
before and during oscillation. When selenium species were added into
the system before oscillation, sodium selenite prolonged the induction
period, whose effect was strong as sodium selenite could consume malonic
acid to prohibit the accumulation of bromomalonic acid. For selenomethionine
and selenocystine, their effects were derived from their reaction
with •CH2COOH and •Br2
– producing a radical cation of selenoamino
acids, which prohibited the accumulation of bromomalonic acid. Here,
the selenium atoms in selenoamino acids, as reactive centers, took
part in the redox reaction. As a result, the induction period was
prolonged. However, as a diselenide, selenocystine can reduce bromate
in acidic medium, which led to shortening of the induction period.
Therefore, the effect of selenocystine on the induction period was
the result of two opposite effects. Nanoselenium shortened the induction
period in a certain concentration range because bromate was directly
reduced by nanoselenium and the accumulation of bromomalonic acid
was promoted. Furthermore, the dose perturbation effect was investigated
by the injection of nanoselenium during oscillation. It was found
that the amplitude was increased or decreased in a dose-dependent
fashion when nanoselenium was injected at peak or trough of the time-dependent
redox potential curve.